Perfecting the checklist is our passion.
We all try to be the best pilot we can be, with safety as our first concern. No doubt you've put in the requisite time, money, and effort to keep your aircraft's powerplant, airframe, and avionics in pristine condition. Maybe you religiously use a checklist, or occasionally glance at it to make sure you hit all the high points.
Qref checklists support smooth, streamlined execution and constant situational awareness the entire time you're at the controls. Qref's staff of Master CFIs have pooled their over 40 years of active industry experience to develop a checklist system that promotes industry best practices throughout every phase of operation. Since 2008, Qref checklists have been sold worldwide.
We sell direct and through an extensive network of over 200 pilot supply shops, FBOs, avionics companies and pilot training facilities.
Writing checklists since 1998
Jason Clemens, Publisher
Jason started writing checklists for his company, SureCheck Aviation, in 1998, and then for Qref after forming the company in 2008.
He has worked in the publishing industry for nearly his entire adult life. He holds a degree in Graphic Arts and has 25+ years experience in UX design for several leading design agencies and publishing companies, including Bendix/King, Honeywell and SocialFlight, among others. Jason founded, managed, and sold several successful aviation businesses, including SureCheck Aviation and Zaon Flight Systems.
Jason has been an industry leader in aviation safety. He has extensive experience in human factors for avionics systems and designing award-winning safety publications and technical manuals. Jason has offered seminars on safety-related subjects such as available technology and the human factors aspect to checklist usage.
An avid pilot, Jason is a member of AOPA and EAA and resides near Dallas, Texas with his wife and three kids.